
Data Science with Python

You want to learn Python for Data Science, but don’t find the time to visit synchronous courses regularly?

Register for this free self-paced course and learn all you need to start with Python on your own schedule!

Introductory Tutorials

  • Python Introduction
  • Basic Scripting in Pyhton
  • Functions and Packages

Advanced: Data Management and Visualisation

  • Introduction to Pandas
  • Data Exploration in Pandas
  • Visualisation with Matplotlib
  • Advanced Plotting

Advanced: Working with Libraries

  • Numpy/Scipy
  • Working with Web Documents
  • Machine Learning with scikit-learn

About the Instructors

Sven Hertling and Nicolas Heist both work at the University of Mannheim as researchers or scientific staff. While Hertling holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and primarily researches semantic technologies/semantic web, linked data, and knowledge graphs, Heist’s research interests primarily focuses on Semantic Web technologies, Knowledge Graphs, and Linked Data.

Data Science with R

You want to learn R for Data Science, but don’t find the time to visit synchronous courses regularly?

Register for this free self-paced course and learn all you need to start with R on your own schedule!

Introductory Tutorials

  • The True Basics of R
  • Data Manipulation in R
  • Data Visualization in R

Advanced Data Manipulation in R

  • Data Management
  • Subsets & Aggregation
  • Advanced Programming
  • Testing in R

Advanced Data Visualization in R

  • The Concept of Visualization & Advanced base R Graphs
  • Introduction to ggplot2
  • Advanced ggplot2

About the Instructor

Leonie Gehrmann is a doctoral student at the University of Mannheim in the field of Marketing. Her research interests primarily focus on machine learning applications in marketing, economics of data, and consumer psychology.